2002 10 mile TT Results
Week 22 - 03/09/2002
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
26:34 David Smith 22:54 1st - 03:40 6 6 21st=
23:30 John Falconer 24:04 2nd + 00:34   36.5 2nd
25:05 Gary Paterson 25:03 3rd - 00:02 3 10 18th
24:57 Al Washington 25:13 4th + 00:16   18 14th
25:26 Phil Cartwright 25:42 5th + 00:16   25.5 5th
25:32 David Morrill 25:58 6th + 00:26   25 6th
25:36 Keith Smith 26:21 7th + 00:45   23 8th
27:20 Robert MacGregor 27:35 8th + 00:15   49 1st
28:09 Angus Crocket 27:59 9th - 00:10 4 7 20th
27:24 John Smith 28:07 10th + 00:43   13 15th=
28:02 Louis Morrill 28:09 11th + 00:07 1 26 4th
28:22 John Sinclair 29:25 12th + 01:03   19 12th
27:42 Steve Fraser 29:48 13th + 02:06   20 10th=
29:54 Craig Gardener 29:55 14th + 00:01 2 24 7th
31:03 Mark Cannop 29:57 15th - 01:06 5 20 10th=
Non Member Michale Cragg 34:17 16th +        
24:50 Martin Johnston 24:39     2 UP   27.5 3rd
Non Member Kenny Wilson              
Week 21
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
23:30 John Falconer 23:54 1st + 00:24   36.5 2nd
24:57 Al Washington 25:08 2nd + 00:11   18 13th
26:14 Phil Cartwright 25:26 3rd - 00:48 4.5 25.5 4th
25:32 David Morrill 25:35 4th + 00:03   25 5th=
25:39 Keith Smith 25:36 5th - 00:03 1 23 7th
24:50 Martin Johnston 26:31 6th + 01:41   27.5 3rd
27:20 Robert MacGregor 27:31 7th + 00:11   49 1st
28:47 Dave Archer 27:59 8th - 00:48 4.5 18.5 12th
28:19 Angus Crocket 28:09 9th - 00:10 2 3 23rd
26:22 Gary Angus 28:23 10th= + 02:01   22 8th=
28:02 Louis Morrill 28:23 10th= + 00:21   25 5th=
27:24 John Smith 28:28 12th + 01:04   13 15th=
28:22 John Sinclair 28:36 13th + 00:14   19 11th
27:42 Steve Fraser 29:24 14th + 01:42   20 10th
31:00 Craig Gardener 29:54 15th - 01:06 6 22 8th=
31:31 Mark Cannop 31:03 16th - 00:28 3 15 14th
Week 20
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
25:05 Gary Paterson 25:07 1st + 00:02 5    
24:57 Al Washington 25:35 2nd + 00:38 4    
25:02 Jim Gunn 26:19 3rd + 01:17      
25:32 David Morrill 26:27 4th + 00:55 1.5    
25:39 Keith Smith 26:34 5th + 00:55 1.5    
27:20 Robert MacGregor 28:12 6th + 00:52 3    
26:22 Gary Angus 28:13 7th + 01:51      
28:53 Dave Archer 28:47 8th - 00:06 6    
27:24 John Smith 28:54 9th + 01:30      
28:02 Louis Morrill 29:09 10th + 01:07      
Non Member Jonathan Morgan 29:49 11th          
31:31 Mark Cannop 33:00 12th + 01:29      
27:00 Michale Cragg 33:01 13th + 06:01      
Non Member Chris Maycock 36:00 14th          
31:00 Craig Gardener 37:37 15th + 06:37      
26:14 Phil Cartwright DNF            
Week 19
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
23:30 John Falconer 24:03 1st + 00:33      
25:28 Gary Paterson 25:05 2nd - 00:23 2    
26:06 David Morrill 25:32 3rd - 00:34 3    
26:14 Phil Cartwright 26:20 4th + 00:06      
28:30 John Smith 27:24 5th - 01:06 4    
29:25 Louis Morrill 28:02 6th - 01:23 5    
26:22 Gary Angus 28:09 7th + 01:47      
27:08 Ian Clark 29:12 8th + 02:04      
28:22 John Sinclair 29:37 9th + 01:15      
31:05 Craig Gardener 31:00 10th - 00:05 1    
37:15 Mark Cannop 31:31 11th - 05:44 6    
27:00 Michael Cragg 34:57 12th + 07:57      
Non Member Chris Maycock 35:37 13th          
Week 18 - 7.8 MILE T.T. - 10 Course Closed Due To Roadworks
Best MPH Name MPH Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best MPH Pts Hcap Pts Pos
16.107 Mark Cannop 17.66     1.553 6    
20.773 Dave Archer 21.534     0.761 5    
18.653 Martine Hughes 19.325     0.672 4    
20.396 Louis Morrill 20.678     0.282 3    
22.872 Phil Cartwright 22.774     -0.098 2    
21.053 John Smith 20.909     -0.144 1    
22.989 David Morrill 22.428     -0.561      
19.303 Craig Gardener 18.377     -0.926      
21.661 Steve Fraser 20.617     -1.044      
24.161 Martin Johnston 22.848     -1.313      
21.151 John Sinclair 19.379     -1.772      
20.316 John Mackenzie 18.269     -2.047      
22.222 Chris Maycock 17.008     -5.214      
Week 17 - 30/07/2002
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
25:36 Al Washington 24:57 1st - 00:39 6 14 12th
24:50 Martin Johnston 25:17 2nd + 00:27   27.5 3rd
25:45 Keith Smith 25:39 3rd - 00:06 2 20.5 5th=
26:20 David Morrill 26:06 4th - 00:14 4 20.5 5th=
26:27 Phil Cartwright 26:14 5th - 00:13 3 19 8th=
27:20 Robert MacGregor 27:35 6th + 00:15 1 46 1st
28:22 John Sinclair 28:49 7th + 00:27   19 8th=
27:00 Jonathan Morgan 29:05 8th + 02:05      
29:41 Louis Morrill 29:25 9th - 00:16 5 17 10th
27:00 Mark Cannop 37:15 10th + 10:15      
27:00 Chris Maycock 38:39 11th + 11:39      
Week 16 - 23/07/2002
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
25:53 Keith Smith 25:45 1st - 00:08 4 18.5 7th
24:50 Martin Johnstone 25:49 2nd + 00:59   27.5 3rd
26:24 David Morrill 26:20 3rd - 00:04 3 16.5 8th
27:00 Alan Clark 26:50 4th - 00:10 5 5 18th
27:31 Robert MacGregor 27:20 5th - 00:11 6 45 1st
28:22 John Sinclair 29:06 6th + 00:44 2 19 6th
28:30 John Smith 29:15 7th + 00:45 1 8 14th=
27:00 Mark Cannop 41:49 8th + 14:49      
Week 15 - 16/07/2002
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
23:30 John Falconer 23:51 1st + 00:21 4.5 36.5 2nd
25:02 Jim Gunn 25:50 2nd + 00:48   9 13th
26:19 Dave Hall 26:46 3rd + 00:27 2 13 11th
27:31 Robert MacGregor 27:52 4th + 00:21 4.5 39 1st
28:22 John Sinclair 28:52 5th + 00:30 1 17 6th
28:53 Dave Archer 29:16 6th + 00:23 3 3 19th
27:42 Steve Fraser 29:30 7th + 01:48   20 5th
24:50 Martin Johnstone 29:45 8th + 04:55   27.5 3rd
32:10 Martine Hughes 32:25 9th + 00:15 6 7 15th=
Week 14 - 09/07/2002
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
23:30 John Falconer 23:35 1st + 00:05 2 32 2nd
25:02 Jim Gunn 25:40 2nd + 00:38   9 13th
24:50 Martin Johnstone 26:18 3rd + 01:28   27.5 3rd
26:32 Dave Hall 26:19 4th - 00:13 5 11 12th
26:55 David Morrill 26:24 5th - 00:31 6 13.5 10th
26:37 Phil Cartwright 26:27 6th - 00:10 4 16 6th=
27:39 Robert MacGregor 27:31 7th - 00:08 3 34.5 1st
27:00 Dave Archer 28:53 8th + 01:53      
28:22 John Sinclair 29:02 9th + 00:40   16 6th=
27:00 Jonathan Morgan 29:34 10th + 02:34      
29:41 Louis Morrill 30:20 11th + 00:39   12 11th
29:32 John Mackenzie 30:41 12th + 01:09   6 16th
31:05 Craig Gardener 31:38 13th + 00:33 1 15 8th
Week 13 - 02/07/2002 - Wick to Thurso Interclub - No 10mtt
Week 12 - 25/06/2002
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
23:30 John Falconer 23:46 1st + 00:16 4 30 2nd
24:50 Martin Johnstone 25:59 2nd + 01:09   27.5 3rd
28:30 Dave Hall 26:32 3rd - 01:58 6 6 15th=
26:45 Phil Cartwright 26:37 4th - 00:08 5 12 9th=
25:53 Keith Smith 26:55 5th + 01:02 0.5 14.5 7th
26:55 David Morrill 27:57 6th + 01:02 0.5 7.5 13th
27:39 Robert MacGregor 28:10 7th + 00:31 3 31.5 1st
26:22 Gary Angus 28:31 8th + 02:09   22 4th
27:42 Steve Fraser 29:04 9th + 01:22   20 5th
28:22 John Sinclair 29:17 10th + 00:55 2 16 6th
27:00 Dave Archer 29:24 11th + 02:24      
28:30 John Smith 29:43 12th + 01:13   7 14th
29:41 Louis Morrill 31:03 13th + 01:22   12 9th=
Week 11
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
23:30 John Falconer 24:02 1st + 00:32 5 26 3rd
25:36 Al Washington 25:46 2nd + 00:10 6 8 11th
25:53 Keith Smith 27:09 3rd + 01:16 3 14 6th=
26:22 Gary Angus 28:33 4th + 02:11   22 4th
27:39 Robert MacGregor 28:50 5th + 01:11 4 28.5 1st
27:42 Steve Fraser 29:28 6th + 01:46   20 5th
28:30 John Smith 30:04 7th + 01:34 2 7 12th=
28:22 John Sinclair 30:44 8th + 02:22   14 6th=
32:10 Martine Hughes 33:52 9th + 01:42 1 1 18th=
24:50 Martin Johnstone DNF         27.5 2nd
Week 10
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
Non Member Alexander Ross 21:01 1st   NEW COURSE RECORD
23:31 John Falconer 23:30 2nd - 00:01   21 4th
25:21 Martin Johnstone 24:50 3rd - 00:31   27.5 1st
26:03 Jim Gunn 25:02 4th - 01:01 2 9 10th
26:39 Keith Smith 25:53 5th - 00:46   11 9th
27:17 Gary Angus 26:22 6th - 00:55   22 3rd
Visitor Kenny Willson 26:44 7th          
27:45 Phil Cartwright 26:45 8th - 01:00 1 7 11th=
27:48 David Morrill 26:55 9th - 00:53   7 11th=
28:28 Robert MacGregor 27:39 10th - 00:49   24.5 2nd
29:31 Steve Fraser 27:42 11th - 01:49 6 20 5th
29:28 John Sinclair 28:22 12th - 01:06 3 14 6th=
31:12 Louis Morrill 29:41 13th - 01:31 4 12 8th
32:52 Craig Gardener 31:05 14th - 01:47 5 14 6th=
30:39 Martine Hughes 32:10 15th + 01:31      
Week 9
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
Non Member Alexander Ross 21:30 1st   NEW COURSE RECORD
23:46 John Falconer 23:31 2nd - 00:15   21 4th
26:03 Martin Johnstone 25:21 3rd - 00:42 4 27.5 1st
25:36 Al Washington 25:40 4th + 00:04   2 16th=
26:38 Jim Gunn 26:03 5th - 00:35 1 7 10th=
27:49 Fergus Corsie 26:42 6th - 01:07 5 5 14th=
27:32 Gary Angus 27:17 7th - 00:15   22 3rd
28:26 David Morrill 27:48 8th - 00:38 2 7 10th=
27:45 Phil Cartwright 27:59 9th + 00:14   6 12th=
29:08 Robert MacGregor 28:28 10th - 00:40 3 24.5 2nd
28:30 John Smith 29:05 11th + 00:35   5 14th=
29:44 John Mackenzie 29:32 12th - 00:12   6 12th=
31:12 Louis Morrill 31:18 13th + 00:06   8 9th
34:39 Craig Gardener 32:52 14th - 01:47 6 9 8th
Week 8
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
26:03 Martin Johnstone 26:49 1st + 00:46 5 23.5 1st
28:26 David Morrill 29:20 2nd + 00:54 4 5 12th=
27:45 Phil Cartwright 29:36 3rd + 01:51   6 9th=
28:30 John Smith 30:11 4th + 01:41 1 5 12th=
29:08 Robert MacGregor 30:37 5th + 01:29 2 21.5 3rd
29:28 John Sinclair 31:55 6th= + 02:27   11 6th=
31:12 Louis Morrill 31:55 6th= + 00:43 6 8 8th
34:39 Craig Gardener 35:45 8th + 01:06 3 3 14th
Week 7
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
23:46 John Falconer 24:08 1st + 00:22 3.5 21 2nd
26:03 Martin Johnstone 26:11 2nd + 00:08 5 18.5 4th
25:36 Al Washington 26:31 3rd + 00:55   2 12th=
27:01 Jim Gunn 26:38 4th - 00:23 6 6 8th=
27:32 Gary Angus 27:54 5th + 00:22 3.5 22 1st
28:26 David Morrill 28:59 6th + 00:33 1 1 15th=
28:30 John Smith 30:17 7th + 01:47   4 11th
29:08 Robert MacGregor 30:29 8th + 01:21   19.5 3rd
31:12 Louis Morrill 31:36 9th + 00:24 2 2 12th=
29:31 Steve Fraser 31:51 10th + 02:20   14 5th
34:39 Craig Gardener 36:09 11th + 01:30      
Week 6
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
23:46 John Falconer 24:07 1st + 00:21 3 17.5 3rd
26:03 Martin Johnstone 26:07 2nd + 00:04 6 13.5 5th
27:32 Gary Angus 27:51 3rd + 00:19 5 18.5 2nd
28:19 Angus Crocket 29:28 4th + 01:09 1 1 13th
28:26 David Morrill 29:40 5th + 01:14      
29:31 Steve Fraser 29:51 6th + 00:20 4 14 4th
29:08 Robert MacGregor 30:04 7th + 00:56 2 19.5 1st
29:28 John Sinclair 31:17 8th + 01:49   11 6th=
34:39 Craig Gardener 36:06 9th + 01:27      
31:12 Louis Morrill DNF            
Week 5
Best Time Name Time Pos + From Hcap Total Hcap
This Year       - Best Time Pts Hcap Pts Pos
23:46 John Falconer 24:22 1st + 00:36   14.5 2nd
25:36 Al Washington 25:39 2nd + 00:03 2 2 11th=
26:03 Martin Johnstone 26:31 3rd + 00:28   7.5 7th
26:39 Keith Smith 27:24 4th + 00:45   11 4th=
27:45 Gary Angus 27:32 5th - 00:13 3 13.5 3rd
27:45 Phil Cartwright 27:49 6th + 00:04 1 6 8th=
28:19 Angus Crocket 28:53 7th + 00:34      
28:30 John Smith 28:54 8th + 00:24   4 10th
29:26 Robert MacGregor 29:08 9th - 00:18 4 17.5 1st
29:50 Steve Fraser 29:31 10th - 00:19 5 10 6th
28:26 David Morrill 29:32 11th + 01:06      
31:59 John Mackenzie 29:44 12th - 02:15 6 6 8th=
29:28 John Sinclair 30:11 13th + 00:43   11 4th=
27:00 Louis Morrill 31:12 14th + 04:12      
Week 4
  Name Time Pos          
  Alexander Ross 22:06 1st          
  John Falconer 23:46 2nd          
  Al Washington 25:36 3rd          
  Martin Johnstone 26:07 4th          
  Keith Smith 26:39 5th          
  Gary Angus 27:45 6th          
  Angus Crocket 28:19 7th          
  Phil Cartwright 28:44 8th          
  David Morrill 28:45 9th          
  John Smith 29:22 10th          
  Robert MacGregor 29:26 11th          
  John Sinclair 29:28 12th          
  Steve Fraser 29:50 13th          
  Louis Morrill 31:21 14th          
  Craig Gardener 35:48 15th          
Week 3
  Name Time Pos          
  Alun Arnold 24:25 1st          
  Martin Johnstone 26:03 2nd          
  David Smith 26:34 3rd          
  Keith Smith 26:54 4th          
  Phil Cartwright 27:45 5th          
  Fergus Corsie 27:49 6th          
  David Morrill 28:26 7th          
  John Smith 28:30 8th          
  Robert MacGregor 29:51 9th          
  John Sinclair 30:12 10th          
  Steve Fraser 30:57 11th          
  Craig Gardener 34:39 12th          
  Mark McKie 43:43 13th          
Week 2
  Name Time Pos          
  John Falconer 24:52 1st          
  Dave Hall 27:37 2nd          
  Keith Smith 28:09 3rd          
  Gary Angus 28:49 4th          
  Martin Johnstone 29:30 5th          
  Robert MacGregor 32:05 6th          
  Steve Fraser 33:22 7th          
  John Sinclair 34:12 8th          
  Bruce Gearie 47:14 9th          
  Name Time Pos          
  Alun Arnold 25:11 1st          
  John Falconer 25:13 2nd          
  Martin Johnstone 27:09 3rd=          
  Keith Smith 27:09 3rd=          
  Gary Angus 28:00 5th          
  Dave Hall 28:30 6th          
  Steve Fraser 30:29 7th          
  Robert MacGregor 30:40 8th          
  Phil Cartwright 31:10 9th          
  John Smith 31:43 10th          
  John Mackenzie 31:59 11th          
  Peter Dobbie 33:52 12th          
  Bruce Gearie 50:39 13th